Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

2 Tips for Staging Your Home for the Cocooner Crowd

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People these days are choosing to insulate themselves from the chaos in the world and hole up in their homes with only Netflix, Twitter, and takeout to keep them company. Although cocooning—the practice of arranging the home so there’s little need to leave it—has been around for decades, experts have noticed an uptick in the trend as Millennials and newer generations choose their personal spaces over socializing. If you have a home to sell, here are two tips for enticing this crowd into making an offer.…

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Choosing A Realtor: What To Look For

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With all the real estate agencies available to you, it’s hard to pick just one to meet all your needs. You want a realtor who you can trust, who is reachable, and who specializes in the type of home you are looking for. Here are good ways to choose a real estate agency so you can stay with the same agency for as long as you need them. Positive reputation in your community…

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Looking For A Dog-Friendly Apartment? Examine The Community, Too

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When looking for an apartment to live in with your pet, you probably look for features like hard floors, a big sink, and a spacious living room. These features are all important, but you should really be paying attention to the community surrounding the apartment, too. Here are some features you want to see in a community that’s dog-friendly. 1. Walkable sidewalks Can you feasibly take your dog for a walk on the streets surrounding the apartment?…

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