Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

Sell Your Home Confidently With An Appraisal Done First

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Making sure that your home is listed at a price that you’re comfortable with and within a time frame that works for you can be a lot easier when you make the effort to have an appraisal done. It can be tough to know what the home is worth on your own, and you might have potential buyers walk away due to the home having some glaring problems that could have been addressed.…

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What You May Do Wrong When Buying A Home

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Want to buy your first home but don’t know what you are doing? Here are some tips that will make the home buying process go smoother. Not Starting The Search With A Real Estate Agent Do you think that you’re fully capable of searching for properties on your own and going to open houses? You may be in for a surprise when you actually find a home that you want to make an offer on.…

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4 Tips For Renting Your First Apartment

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On the hunt for your first apartment, but not sure what you are doing? If so, make sure to follow these tips to ensure you don’t have any regrets. Always See The Apartment In Person Have you seen an apartment online with beautiful looking photos? If so, know that you should always see the apartment in person before you sign anything. You do not know if those photos are accurate of the apartment you will be leasing, especially if there are similar units in the building.…

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