Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

4 Open House Tips For A Quick Sale

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When a military member wants to sell their home, they often need to do it quickly. When a service member receives a permanent change of station (PCS) order, they often only have enough time to pack before they must report for duty at their new location. This may mean the family needs to stay behind until their current home sells or they have to risk a double mortgage and double everything else.…

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Buying While Selling? Proactive Tips For Navigating A Potentially Tricky Situation

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Both the home buying and selling processes are straightforward and relatively easy to navigate. But when it is necessary to sell the current home while also buying the next one, the process is sure to become more infinitely more complicated. Homeowners who are considering this type of real estate maneuver can use these proactive tips to help them avoid conflicts and enjoy more success as both a seller and a buyer.…

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Plan To Sell Your Home? 2 Changes To Consider Throughout This Process

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The decision to sell your home may not be easy because your family may already be comfortable living there, even though you know that all your needs are not satisfied. Although you may be able to envision your family making do with the house that you are living in, you may ultimately decide that selling it is the right choice because it will have benefits in the future. When you are preparing and going through this important process, you should make several changes that can lead to an improved experience for your entire household.…

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