Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

Want To Enjoy Growth? 4 Tips For Finding A Condo That Meets Your Needs

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When some people buy a house, they may be looking for features that will allow them to call the property their forever home. In this situation, a buyer may be looking for all the things they want and need without thinking about potential growth. This may describe the opposite of your situation in which you may be most interested in buying a condo with growth opportunities. Growth does not always come in the form of the unit that you buy, so you should make sure to pay attention to all the details that can help you with purchasing an ideal condo.…

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3 Things You Need To Know About Buying Horse Property

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If you’ve never owned horse property before, finding the right one to purchase can seem overwhelming. It’s very important to make your choice as carefully as possible because horse properties don’t move on the market nearly as quickly as their suburban counterparts on small, single lots. If you make the wrong decision about a horse property, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to turn around and sell it quickly. For this reason, it’s important to avoid impulse purchases as well as to select the property that best suits your individual needs and preferences.…

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5 Ideas For Building Or Buying A Multigenerational Home

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Do you have adult family members living with you? More and more Americans are now sharing a home with aging parents, grandparents, adult children, and grandchildren. While sharing close quarters can be a challenge, it also comes with great benefits — financially, physically, and emotionally.  If you’re in this situation, one of the best ways to make it work is to find the right house or property for sale. Here are five different property types that could make the perfect multigenerational home layout:…

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