Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

How to Choose Between a Studio and a One-Bedroom Apartment

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Are you interested in downsizing from the house you live in into a small apartment? If so, there are two main types to consider: a studio unit or a one-bedroom apartment. Of these two options, which is best for you? If you are not sure, here are several significant factors to consider as you make your decision. The Number of People that Will Live There First, who will live in this unit with you?…

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Is Moving To A Retirement Community Right For You At This Time?

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Retirement is a great time in life as it offers more freedom to do the things you always wanted to do. If you are ready to retire, you might also be considering a move to a retirement community. Moving to a retirement community offers a lot of perks and benefits, but are you ready for this move? Here are three questions to ask yourself that may help you decide if this is a good move right now.…

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Purchasing a Small Home for the First Time? 3 Tips to Avoid Surprises

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If you’re in the beginning stages of purchasing a house, there’s a lot of things that you can do to make sure the home is priced reasonably and to avoid ending up in a home that can be a lot of work. If you’re mainly interested in smaller sized homes and want to feel comfortable shortly after moving in, it’s best to see what you should be looking for as you begin house-hunting.…

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