Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

Buying A Home? 2 Ways To Encourage Your Family To Spend Time Outside

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While living in rentals with your family, you may know how easy it is for everyone in your household to stay inside where they are entertained easily. But, you may know that your family is more than willing to go outside when there is a worthwhile reason. If you are getting ready to buy a home, you may feel determined to purchase one that encourages going outside often. Neighborhood The neighborhood that you choose to buy a home in will likely play a major role in determining how much time your family spends outside.…

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Want an Easy-To-Clean Home? 3 Features to Demand

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Through the experience that you have gained from living in rentals, you may know that you do not like to do extensive cleaning while you are spending time at home with your family. Certain features excel at minimizing the need to clean up, but you may not have been able to get your hands on all the most impactful features while living in different rentals. So, you may look forward to purchasing an easy-to-clean house by making sure that you demand several features.…

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Selling a Vacant House? Common Mistakes Sellers Make and Tips for Avoiding Doing the Same

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When life deals out a surprise move, such as an unexpected job transfer or promotion, families often have to pack and relocate before they have an opportunity to sell their house. This often means that the house is left vacant during the time it is on the real estate market. While it can be more convenient for agents to show a vacant house, it can be much more difficult to ensure that it feels warm and appealing, especially when common seller mistakes are made.…

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