Loving Your House: A Real Estate Blog

3 Things To Look Into Before Buying A Rental Property

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Real estate can either be a really good investment or it can drain your wallet. To make a good real estate decision, there is a list of things that you will have to look for including a good neighborhood, a low price, and good resell value. When it comes to buying an investment property though, there are a few additional things that you will want to take into consideration to make sure you are making a good investment overall.…

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Property Tax Assessments Can Have Errors

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When a homeowner receives a property tax assessment, they are not required to pay it without review. All property owners have a legal right to review and appeal a tax assessment if they do not believe it is accurate. Learn about some of the common errors that could cost you more. Inaccurate Home Description Property taxes are calculated using several factors, but one of the most important is the actual description of the home.…

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What To Do If You Think Your Home Is Worth More Than The Agent Thinks

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One of the first things a home-selling Realtor will talk to you about is the current value of your house. If you want to sell, you will have to come up with an asking price. Do you go ahead and take the Realtor’s advice about the price, or do you come up with a price yourself? If you agree with the agent’s recommendation, then you can go with that price. If you feel that your home is worth more than the amount the agent suggested, what are your options?…

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